Cymalon has been specially formulated for women suffering from cystitis. The active ingredient sodium citrate reduces the acidity of your urine to help relieve the stinging and burning pain.

Relieve the burning pain of cystitis
Cymalon is a quick and easy to use two day remedy. As soon as you feel those first warning signs, just dissolve one sachet in a glass of water. Make sure the granules are well diluted in lots of water to help flush out the bacteria in your bladder. Always read the package leaflet.

Relief from cystitis in just 48 hours
Drink Cymalon 3 times a day for 2 days to ease your pain and help you get on with your life. Adult women - take the contents of one sachet in water three times a day for 2 days. You should take all six sachets to complete the treatment. Talk to your doctor if your symptoms persist after 2 or 3 days, or return frequently. This medicine should not be used by men and children.
Cystitis prevention advice
Sometimes cystitis keeps coming back. The menopause, having sex and kidney problems can all contribute to recurrent cystitis, but often there is no clear cause. If you find your cystitis returns frequently, there are ways you can look after yourself to help keep it at bay. Try these simple steps:
Dress with care. Try not to wear very tight jeans. Choose loose-fitting cotton underwear and change daily.
Wash with care. Have a shower instead of a bath, and avoid perfumed soaps and bubble baths. Try fragrance free or sensitive skin formulations
Get into the habit. Try to go to the toilet as soon as you need to and making sure you empty your bladder fully. Always wipe carefully from the front to the back. Empty your bladder soon after sex to help flush away bacteria.
Drink lots. Plenty of fluids will flush out your bladder frequently, and cut out caffeine and alcohol, which can make you dehydrated. Drinking cranberry juice has traditionally been used to help reduce your chance of getting cystitis.
Eat well. Lots of fruit and vegetables will help to support your immune system and help you fight off infections. Watch out for foods that might trigger your cystitis. Acidic foods and drinks, such as tea, coffee, alcohol, sugar, processed meats, spicy foods and undiluted citrus juices, can trigger cystitis, so if you are prone to the infection try to avoid them, and if you are overcoming an infection eliminate them from your diet completely.
Medical Information
Our Medical Information Service can help with enquiries about this product, for example its appearance, whether you have questions about what it contains, the ingredients in it, or how it works.
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This product is available from retailers including: Tesco, Sainsbury’s, Waitrose, Superdrug, Savers, Lloyds, Day Lewis, Leading Independent Pharmacies, Well Pharmacy, Rowlands Pharmacy.
For information about where you can buy this product, please contact our Customer Services department
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