Alyssia Whittaker

Hi, I'm Alyssia Whittaker, Customer Solutions – Retail Lead from Teva UK

“It’s a really friendly environment here at Teva. I know it’s a bit of a cliché, but it feels like a family”

My confidence has really grown in the two years I’ve been working for Teva. When I first started, I felt I needed constant reassurance to know I was doing everything right. However, thanks to Teva’s supportive culture, I’m a lot more confident now.

My role has changed significantly in the time I’ve been here, but I feel I’ve adapted really well to the changes and I’ve had lots of positive feedback. The company treats you as an individual; they know that everyone is different and we don’t all have the same needs. This supportive culture was apparent during my interview for the job.

Sometimes at interviews, it feels like the panel are trying to trip you up, but everything was very relaxed here, and it really felt like they wanted to get the best from me. Because I felt comfortable, I was able to get my true personality across.

It’s a really friendly environment here at Teva. I know it’s a bit of a cliché, but it feels like a family. The senior managers have an open-door policy and are very approachable; I can happily speak to them on the same level as I do my colleagues. The employee retention rate underlines Teva’s family values – lots of people like it so much they’ve spent their whole career here.

Of course, the pay helps! There’s a good pay structure, healthcare and a really generous pension scheme. But Teva provides lots of other benefits too. 

We also have something called Employee Assistance, a free 24-hour helpline offering confidential counselling and advice on any personal issues you might have, and they’ve even arranged for a masseuse to come into the office.

I’m proud to work for a company that’s making lives better for patients. In my role, I often speak to customers on the phone and they tell me how much they like a product or how our products are helping them. It’s great to hear first-hand about the positive impact we have on people.

Meet Beth Innes

Our Over the Counter (OTC) Brand Manager Beth says "As an employee, Teva always wants to hear what you have to say and is keen to know how it can improve as an organisation. A lot of organisations don’t have that focus."

Read more Meet Beth Innes
All information and job titles were correct at time of approval
Date of preparation: August 2022
Reference: COB-GB-NP-00033