Your consent

Online Patient Consent Form & Provision of Healthcare Professionals Details

Please complete this Patient Consent Form so that we may follow up the details of the suspected side effects / adverse event(s) reported.

To contact Teva’s Pharmacovigilance Team please email or telephone +44 (0) 207 540 7117.

The information you provide in this form will be recorded by Teva as part of its legal obligations related to our products and will be protected and handled confidentially and in line with applicable data protection laws and Teva’s Privacy Policy.

About Teva’s Pharmacovigilance Privacy Policy

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This information may be shared with other Teva entities and certain authorities to be evaluated and collated with other events (including quality) recorded about that product or active ingredient, in order to assess the benefit-risk balance of the medicines you have used and if needed to update the product information and for the purposes of attending to your request. The information you provide today may be stored outside the EU.

If you do not agree to these uses of your information and wish to object to these processing or wish to access, rectify or delete your personal information please inform our call handler or email Further information can be found in a more detailed notice here.

If you are not the subject of this report, please ensure that individual who is the subject of the report is aware of this submission, including the possible transmission of his/her personal information.

Teva Pharmacovigilance Privacy Policy

Find out more about how we monitor the safety of our medicines

All of our products undergo thorough safety monitoring and evaluation processes at every stage of the medicine's lifecycle

Learn more Find out more about how we monitor the safety of our medicines
Date of preparation: January 2024
Reference: D: COB-GB-NP-00354 (V1.0) T: COB-GB-NP-00355 (V1.0) / M: COB-GB-NP-00356 (V1.0)